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Saturday, February 27, 2016

longaberger basket building



What started out as a dream by Dave Longaberger, Founder of The Longaberger Company, has been built into a giant basket to house the entire corporate offices of the company. Dave’s dream was achieved on December 17, 1997 when the Home Office that is designed to resemble a basket finally opened for business.See more

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dancing Building

                                              Dancing Building


. The Dancing House or Dancing Building or Ginger & Fred (Czech: Tančící dům) by Croatian-Czech architect Vlado Milunić in co-operation with Canadian-American architect Frank Gehry, designed in 1992 and completed in 1996.

Creative Architecture

                                          Creative Architecture                 


Heatherwick Studio: the exhibition ‘Designing the Extraordinary’ until 30 September 2012.

The first ever major retrospective on the work of Thomas Heatherwick